Happy Return Deck Update

Just to keep you in the loop, the deck on the Happy Return is going to be re-pitched this autumn. This will involve the raking out of the old pitch between the deck planks. That is the black stuff between each deck board. Then the hardening up of the oakum which is a natural material used for caulking between the deck planks. After this the new hot pitch will be poured in the gap thus sealing the deck. Once this is finished, we will be painting the deck , So we will be endeavouring to obtain a waterproof finish.

The services of Sandycove Boatyard (SCB) in Newlyn have been obtained to undertake the work. It is planned that they will hopefully give us about five days’ notice prior to commencing work. The implications of this are as follows:

The sailing program will come to an abrupt stop for a minimum of three weeks, so get your sailing in soon.

On receipt of the notice from the SCB to commence the project we will need to remove all sails, spares, and deck boxes from the Happy Return. The Penzance harbour master has given us permission to store these items by the Rank building. Once completed , Happy Return will be moved to the North Quay of Newlyn Harbour in readiness to start work.

The work will be undertaken by two members of staff from the SCB. Once all the old pitch has been removed, we will muster a group of enthusiasts to sand the deck prior to the SCB staff members hardening up the oakum and re-pitching the deck.

On completion of the pitching phase, we will then muster a working party to paint the deck. Volunteers will be asked for later.

At the end of the painting, Happy Return will return to Penzance to reembark the deck boxes and spares.

If time remains, we will hopefully get a few sailings sessions in the bay before the season comes to a close.

The overall implication of this, is to get your sailing in ASAP.

Happy Sailing
