Annual General Meeting


MBLA Annual General Meeting will be held at Penzance Sailing Club, Albert Pier, TR18 2LL on Wednesday 13th March, commencing at 7.30 pm (open from 7.00 pm).

This will follow the usual pattern:-

1/. Welcome

2/. Apologies

3/. Minutes of the 2023 AGM (March 8th)

4/. Matters Arising from 3/. above

5/. Reports




Membership Secretary

6/. Election of Officers

Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer

Other Committee Members

7/. Any Other Business


If anyone has any Nominations for Committee Members, or additional Agenda Items, please let us know no later than Wednesday 28th February. Nominees must be willing to stand. You can also put yourself forward for the Committee as below but, if that is the case, you will need to be formally proposed and seconded.

Nominations (for any role), Agenda Items, and Apologies can be submitted via our website, using this sequence:-

www. - About MBLA - Contact “Send us an email”

The following Committee Members are willing to stand again in the same roles, and as Trustees. They are:- James Walker (Chairman), David Keast (Treasurer), Mark Mitchell (Membership Secretary), Carol Alway, Marieanne Davy Ball (Heritage Officer), and Elizabeth Wood.

There is currently a vacancy for Secretary, plus one Committee Member.

Looking forward to seeing you at the AGM.

John Diston, MBLA Secretary

On behalf of the Committee/Trustees.